T-BOW® kinesiological Adaptation to Lumbar Lordosis UNIQUE ON THE MARKET
Natural lumbar lordosis ranges from 40 to 50 degrees.
Precision in addressing lumbar lordosis sets the T-Bow® apart, featuring a 40-degree arch for the T-Bow® HDPE Plastic and a 45-degree arch for the T-Bow® Wood, both capable of withstanding loads exceeding 350 kg.
Health and Performance for Spine Stretching-Mobilization and Core Training on the T-Bow®
Summary Tips for Back Stretching on the T-Bow®
A healthy back is a comprehensive pursuit that encompasses, among others: meticulous balance and coordination, well-balanced strength in the pelvic-back complex, finely tuned mobility of the spine within its inherent curvatures, heightened awareness of one's bodily parts, and a positive emotional state.
The T-BOW® is uniquely designed to replicate the natural curvature of the lumbar spine, offering corrective benefits for those with excessive or insufficient lordosis.
It provides therapeutic advantages by helping correct spinal alignment through lying on it, making it suitable for a wide range of individuals.
The T-BOW®'s high reactivity and anatomical support enhance kinesiological fixation of the back, preventing stable vertebrae from sinking and allowing for precise postural adjustments. Combining back extensions and rotations on the T-BOW® is vital for maintaining spine mobility.