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T-BOW® Movement Physiotherapy Course




8 hours


About the Course

Objective and applicability:

Learn and experience resources applied to physiotherapy, with special emphasis on the most differential exercises that can be developed with the T-BOW® to practically and effectively solve multiple physiotherapeutic problems of prevention and movement readaptation, both in athletes and non-athletes. athletes. That is, the resources with the T-BOW® are integrated into specific physiotherapy treatments.


  • Special features of the T-BOW® and T-Bands.
  • Benefits of the T-BOW® for joint stability and postural balance.
  • Strength aimed at strengthening-toning with the T-BOW® (exercises for all body segments, with special emphasis on deep stabilization of the back and joints).
  • Stretching and joint mobility with the T-BOW® (emphasis on trunk and lower limbs).
  • Proprioception with the T-BOW® (multiple resources both globally and with emphasis on the trunk, lower limbs and upper limbs).
  • Special applications of T-BOW® in geriatrics, treatment of back and neck problems, and prevention-rehabilitation of ankle and knee injuries.
  • Postural education-training with T-BOW®.

Addressed to:

Physiotherapists, movement expert physiotherapists, personal trainers and sports trainers with knowledge in movement physiotherapy.

This course includes:

Movement Physiotherapy course manual with T-BOW®.

International certificate of participation in the Movement Physiotherapy course with T-BOW®.


Gonzalo Cámara-Navarro · Physiotherapist specialized in health and sports performance, director of Serviphysis and CEO Hewego Health, and T-BOW® FIT training and research coordinator in movement physiotherapy.

Gonzalo Cámara-Navarro · Physiotherapist specialized in health and sports performance, director of Serviphysis and CEO Hewego Health, and T-BOW® FIT training and research coordinator in movement physiotherapy.
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